Blades For Electric Debeaking Machine Lyon Blades Chick Debeaker Cutting


Avaibility: In Stock

Debeaker Blade BC Type A heavy double sided cutting blade with 2 sharpened edges. for fast uniform beak trimming of baby chicks 6-10 days old. Debeaker Blade KH Type A general purpose beak trimming blade. Designed to replace K & H blades, and has better heat capability. Use up to 8 weeks old chick. Setting …

Debeaker Blade BC Type
A heavy double sided cutting blade with 2 sharpened edges.
for fast uniform beak trimming of baby chicks 6-10 days old.
Debeaker Blade KH Type
A general purpose beak trimming blade.
Designed to replace K & H blades, and has better heat capability.
Use up to 8 weeks old chick.

Setting Information
Product name 
Debeaker Blade
Stainless steel
KH Type
1.75 ” wide x 0.045″ thick
BC Type
2.11″ Long x 0.051″ thick
Incubator Rotation


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